Effective Marketing Strategies for New  Doctors

Effective Marketing Strategies for New Doctors

Effective Marketing Strategies for New Doctors: Building Your Practice the Right Way

Congratulations on embarking on a fulfilling career as a doctor! As a first-year or new practitioner, establishing and growing your practice may seem like a daunting task. Apart from providing excellent patient care, marketing your practice is crucial to attract clients and achieve long-term success. In this article, we will explore essential marketing strategies to help you build a thriving practice. From hosting outside events and joining networking groups to considering the guidance of a business coach, we’ll cover it all.

  • Hosting Outside Events: Building Community Connections

One effective way to attract new clients and showcase your expertise is by hosting outside events. These events can include workshops, seminars, or health fairs that focus on educating the community about wellness care and its benefits. By interacting with potential patients directly, you’ll build trust and credibility, making it more likely for them to choose your practice for their healthcare needs. Aim to hold at least one outside event per week, targeting different segments of the community to maximize your reach.

  • Joining Multiple Networking Groups: Expanding Your Reach

Networking is an essential aspect of marketing any business, and as a practitioner  it can significantly impact the growth of your practice. Joining multiple networking groups, both within the healthcare industry and beyond, can help you build connections with other professionals, potential referral sources, and local businesses. Consider participating in local business associations, health and wellness organizations, and online networking platforms. Active involvement in these groups will allow you to develop a strong referral network and increase your visibility within the community.

  • Utilizing Digital Marketing: Harnessing the Power of the Internet

In today’s digital age, having a robust online presence is paramount. Create a professional website that showcases your services, qualifications, and testimonials from satisfied patients. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly and optimized for search engines to improve your chances of appearing in relevant searches. Embrace social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to connect with potential clients and share informative content regularly. Engage with your audience through blogs, videos, and live Q&A sessions to demonstrate your expertise and foster a sense of trust.

  • Implementing Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Improving Online Visibility

SEO is the process of optimizing your online content to rank higher in search engine results. It is crucial for potential clients to find your practice easily when searching for doctors in your area. Research relevant keywords and incorporate them naturally into your website content, blog posts, and social media updates. Additionally, encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google My Business, as positive reviews can boost your local search ranking and reputation.

  • Engaging in Content Marketing: Positioning Yourself as an Expert

Content marketing is an excellent strategy to establish yourself as an authority in your field. Create valuable and educational content that addresses common questions, health concerns, and preventive care tips. This can be in the form of blog articles, videos, podcasts, or downloadable guides. Sharing informative content consistently not only attracts potential clients but also builds trust and credibility, encouraging them to choose your practice over others.

  • Collaborating with Local Businesses: Building Partnerships

Forge partnerships with other local businesses, such as fitness centers, yoga studios, and health food stores. Cross-promote each other’s services and offer exclusive discounts to each other’s clientele. These collaborations will expand your reach and expose your practice to a wider audience. Additionally, consider offering workshops or wellness programs in collaboration with these businesses, providing added value to the community and increasing your visibility.

  • Seeking Guidance from a Business Coach: Navigating the Journey

Starting and running a successful wellness based practice involves not only clinical skills but also business acumen. Consider seeking guidance from a reputable business coach who can provide insights on managing finances, marketing effectively, and setting achievable goals. A business coach can help you develop a solid business plan tailored to your specific goals and local market conditions, ensuring you start your practice on the right foot.

Marketing your wellness practice effectively is essential for attracting new clients and building a strong foundation for long-term success. By hosting outside events, participating in multiple networking groups, embracing digital marketing, and focusing on content creation, you can establish yourself as an authority in the field while connecting with your local community. Additionally, seeking guidance from a business coach can provide you with valuable insights and direction as you navigate the challenges of growing your practice. By combining these strategies and staying committed to providing excellent patient care, you’ll be well on your way to building a thriving wellness practice. Best of luck on your journey!


What is a Wellness Business Marketing Strategy?

What is a Wellness Business Marketing Strategy?

What is a Wellness Business Marketing Strategy?

When you set off on the start of this wellness business journey, you did it because you had a passion and you wanted to share it with your community. You found the building, the staff, and the products, and put everything in motion. However, turning your knowledge and dedication into a profitable wellness business requires a marketing strategy.

What is a Marketing Strategy?

A marketing strategy is a plan designed to promote a company’s goals to garner a profit. It encompasses a company’s marketing goals and objectives and streamlines them into one plan. Once a good marketing strategy is developed, all of a company’s best marketing methods can be rolled out.

What are the Benefits of a Marketing Strategy?

As a wellness business owner, taking the time to develop a marketing strategy can benefit you in many ways down the line, including:

Developing sustainable growth for the company

Hearing what the customer wants

Meeting the customer’s needs and expectations 

Strengthening relations with the target market

Brand recognition 

Increased sales


Marketing Plan vs. Marketing Strategy?

Many times, people confuse the marketing plan with the marketing strategy. When you are marketing your wellness business, your marketing plan is how you roll out your marketing strategy. In other words, your marketing strategy is the ‘what’ you roll out, and the marketing plan is the ‘how.’


How Do You Create A Marketing Strategy?

Determine customer groups

Position yourself



Characterize your customer groups – Do your market research and see who your customers are and how you meet their needs. Are you matching their wants? Are you doing it more effectively than your rivals? Building customer loyalty is critical to long-term success.

Targeting the correct market segments – Are you positioned correctly in the market? Are your products and services reaching the correct market segments that you have chosen as your profit leaders? Marketing your wellness business to the correct audience is critical.

Advertising and promotions – Once you know your target group, how do you let them know about your product and services? You also have to let them know how your wellness product and services can meet their needs. Think about advertising, digital marketing, giveaways, and other methods of alerting the community to your wellness business.

Evaluation and assessment – Make sure to review and assess your marketing strategy to determine if your wellness business marketing is working as you envisioned. Once you have, you can see if you can utilize it as a template for future marketing strategies or if you need to refine your marketing wellness business plan.

A marketing strategy can take marketing your wellness business and grow your business beyond your wildest dreams. It has the overarching vision of where you want your wellness business to go and then allows you to take your marketing plan and make it actionable. If you’re unsure how to make a marketing strategy to take your wellness business to the next level, consider hiring a wellness business coach who can assist you with making your dream a reality.

How to Create a Wellness Business Strategy

How to Create a Wellness Business Strategy

How to Create a Wellness Business Strategy

You know what your goal is business-wise because your work is your passion. You’ve found the perfect location, hired the best employees, and you believe in your product. But what’s next? How do you bring your wellness business to the heights it can achieve? First, you need to create a business strategy.

What is a Business Strategy?

A business strategy, or roadmap, is a plan that establishes what your action steps are to achieve your end goal. These action steps are your guiding principles and should be shared throughout your wellness business to help your company reach its objectives.

9 Steps to Creating a Wellness Business Strategy

  1. Crystallize your vision
  2. Review the competition
  3. Set clear goals
  4. Focus on growth
  5. Think long-term
  6. Stay flexible
  7. Be inclusive
  8. Do homework
  9. Have measurable results


  1. Focus your vision– Look at your wellness business and articulate your future vision. Unlike a mission statement, this goes beyond what your company does and looks to where you want your company to go in the future.


  1. How are you different?– Look at your competitors, see how you can stand out from the pack, and focus on what makes your wellness business special.


  1. Refine goals– What are your specific targets? Ensure your goals are identified, so your marketing and sales team will be closely aligned and avoid miscommunication.


  1. Healthy companies grow– For your wellness business to succeed, it needs to have a clear plan on which areas it can achieve growth so that it can take the yield from that growth and invest in other departments.


  1. Don’t get caught thinking short-term– It’s dangerous only to think quarter to quarter. Indeed, things are constantly changing, but you want to think of a strategy on an annual cycle rather than as a one-time event.


  1. Be prepared to pivot– Even with thinking long term, be open and flexible to pivot, depending on outside forces to your wellness business. Consider having regular meetings, perhaps quarterly, to review your strategic plan and adapt after reviewing any new information that may impact your strategy.


  1. Include your team – Review your team and include those individuals whose input may bring new ideas to your strategic bottom line. More diverse voices and thoughts can open up avenues of expertise previously unrealized. Your team’s genius zoneis a resource for tapping!


  1. Take the time to do pre-work – Have the employees working on your strategy sessions with you do research before putting together your strategy plan. The more pre-work done gathering relevant information, the faster your strategy meetings will go.


  1. Have measurable results and follow-up– A strategic plan puts you and your wellness business on the road to success. It is up to you to ensure your strategic action plan has KPIs (key performance indicators) that align and that you can easily follow. In addition, you want to track your plan often, usually monthly, and promote ownership across all departments.


Having a well-defined business strategy for your wellness business ensures you and your team are all working toward the same goal. It helps to target the development of your business as you grow and gives you ample check-ins to ensure your growth is on target. If you are looking for a coach to help you design a business strategy, I can help you. Reach out today.

Delegating 101: How Delegation Improves Efficiency

Delegating 101: How Delegation Improves Efficiency

Delegating 101: How Delegation Improves Efficiency

We have all heard the word “delegation” and know that it’s the magic key to running an efficient workplace, but when you’re the one with the dream, it can be hard to let go of the reins. It’s time to trust in the decisions you’ve made in hiring the right team for your wellness business. Let’s take a closer look at what it takes to delegate appropriately and make your workplace efficient.

9 Steps To Delegating Efficiently

  1. Start gradually
  2. Balance tasks
  3. Choose employees carefully
  4. Explain choices
  5. Communicate
  6. Keep things moving
  7. Give authority
  8. Supply resources
  9. Show gratitude


  1. Ease into delegation– Look for small items that you feel comfortable giving to specific employees, such as reports, running meetings, and ordering items. Once you feel comfortable that they are handling these things to your satisfaction, you can move more things off your desk and onto your employees’.


  1.  Keep things balanced– Ensure you don’t only hand off non-essential tasks. People like to be challenged and to feel that they are making a difference. In addition, when you are working with delegation, you want your employees to feel that you trust them, so delegate some of the less routine tasks.


  1. Match the tasks to the employee– A big part of workplace efficiency is ensuring the delegation matches the right person to the right task. When looking to delegate, keep your more straightforward tasks for your newer employees and the more complex tasks for your veteran employees. Contemplate whether the employees prefer simple or multiple-step tasks and whether they require oversight or do better independently.


  1. Clarify the delegation– When delegation occurs, explain to your wellness business employees why you selected each employee for each task. Letting them know that you trust them to gain new skills, advance in their positions, and support the wellness business will lend greater loyalty to the team and help build self-confidence.


  1. Make objectives clear– When delegating, trust your employee to perform. To that end, rather than discuss methods, let them know what objectives and measurable outcomes you expect.


  1. Timelines matter– Make sure you have a timeline with reasonable deadlines, giving your employees ample time to learn new skills. This is an area where you might fall into micromanaging – avoid that temptation! Two people working on the same thing is the opposite of an efficient workplace. Set up a timeline with set updates and allow your employees to confront issues on their own before coming to you. 


  1. Loosen the reins– Allow the employee to have autonomy. Give them all the authority needed to complete the task without coming to you. This will free you to do tasks needed at your level and allow the employee to have confidence and motivation to complete them at their level. This is how an efficient workplace is created.


  1. Provide all needed resources – With delegation, ensure all the resources are at your employees’ disposal, so they don’t need to come back to you with requests.


  1. Say “thank you”– To keep your efficient workplace humming, it is vital to communicate to your wellness business employees how much you appreciate them. When they have stepped up and performed well with delegation, it is worth your time to recognize them personally and publicly and let them know.


Often, we think we are the only ones who can do all the tasks in our wellness business, and that remains true as long as we are doing everything. So, take the time to explore your employees’ Genius Zone, and, with delegation, you will find your efficient workplace will free you up to reach bigger and better goals!


What’s a Wellness Business Consultant and Why Do I Want One?

What’s a Wellness Business Consultant and Why Do I Want One?

What’s a Wellness Business Consultant and Why Do I Want One?

Every day it seems a new term or business role is developed in the wellness business world, so how can you know what’s necessary and what isn’t? You started your wellness business because you’re a professional, so what can a consultant do for you? Let’s explore what a wellness business consultant is and how they can change the trajectory of your business.

What is a Wellness Business Consultant?

A wellness business consultant is there to help you make the most of your business, bringing it to levels you might not have considered. They can assist you to:

Find strengths

Work smarter

Help plan and strategize

Discover your strengths – A wellness business consultant will help you find your team’s strengths – ones you might have overlooked – and develop them to their full potential. In addition, they will help you build up your genius zone, which is the skill set you naturally have.

Teach you how to work smarter – Sometimes, we need someone to look closely at our business and evaluate where we are spending the most time to ensure we are utilizing our time and focusing it where it benefits us the most. A wellness business coach will analyze where your money is being spent to ascertain that it is being spent in the most advantageous manner possible.

Helping plan and execute strategy – A solid business plan and strategy execution are imperative for a successful wellness business. A wellness business coach can put this into action, seeing things that can be overlooked when you are mired in your own company. In addition, they can help you with your exit strategy.

What is an Exit Strategy?

An exit strategy is a timeline or plan with actionable steps to get you to your long-term goal of retirement or the business endgame. A wellness business consultant can be a critical partner in putting together this most exciting of strategies for your company. You’ve had this dream for a long time; now let someone help you see it through to fruition. 

Is a Wellness Business Consultant Worth the Cost?

In a word, yes. A wellness business consultant can help you identify business costs that you can easily trim, showing avenues for bringing in new revenue. Also, finding more efficient work methods will maximize output while minimizing the resources needed. 

Additionally, having the outside perspective of the wellness business consultant will assist in tightening your business to stem any excessive loss you might be unknowingly experiencing. The wellness business consultant can review your current pricing set-up and see if you are underselling yourself in the market. Do you recognize your worth?

The wellness business is a cluttered field, and you need to stand out. You know your stuff, and the market should recognize you as the expert you are. Hiring a wellness business consultant ensures that your business is as streamlined as possible and that it is positioned well in the market and set up to sustain you now and positioned well for the future.