The Importance of Developing Strong Leaders from Within Your Business

The Importance of Developing Strong Leaders from Within Your Business

The Importance of Developing Strong Leaders from Within Your Business


Developing strong leaders from within your business has been talked about for years. There are several benefits to this process not only for the employee but for the business owner as well. As a healthcare business coach, I can help you understand the importance of developing strong leaders from within and how utilizing your team’s genius zone can get you there.


Why Are Strong Leaders Important in Business?


Strong leaders can promote teamwork, create a positive work environment, and motivate other team members. Strong leaders are motivated and, more importantly, are great at motivating others. By having strong leaders in your healthcare business, your business will run like a well-oiled machine.


5 Benefits of Developing Strong Leaders from Within:








Why Employee & Customer Retention is Crucial for Business


Employee turnover is one of the key factors in decreased productivity. Not only does it cost companies about 6 to 9 months of an employee’s salary to replace them, but it also costs your business around two times that employee’s salary when you lose them. When strong leaders foster a positive working environment, they are investing in their team’s growth and boosting morale.


By creating an environment where people thrive, where people feel appreciated, and where people are inspired, employees will be happier and want to stay at their current job. They will also create a positive experience for their customers, helping your customer retention.


How Strong Leaders Help with Business Efficiency 


A team with strong leadership skills allows employees to work together collaboratively to improve efficiency and productivity throughout your healthcare business. Efficiency is about getting the most out of your resources, meaning your business can produce more with less. If your team is struggling to accomplish all the tasks, bring your strong leaders up, and let them assist in improving efficiency throughout your business.

Why Loyalty Matters in Business


Customer loyalty is one of the most important pieces of business. Customer loyalty increases profits and improves sales and sustainable growth. In addition, by creating an emotional connection for your customers to your business, they are more likely to be repeat customers. 


Studies show that repeat customers have a high ROI. But, just like employee retention, customer retention is expensive as well. On average, it costs five times as much to acquire a new customer than it does to retain an existing one.


How Effective Communication is Crucial for Strong Leaders


Effective communication inspires changes and gains trust. While a strong leader will have their own ideas, they will be able to focus on their team’s genius zone to ensure everyone is performing at their best. In addition, strong leaders that already exist within your company are great at communicating with others within your business, which allows you to focus on working smarter, not harder, and letting your strong leaders do the job you hired them for.


How Strong Leaders Will Help Increase Business Revenue  


All the above reasons help increase your business revenue. However, by developing strong leaders from within, your team will understand how your growth works, what your goals are, and what areas need more attention. Knowing this information, how it benefits your business, and what the long-term goals are is why strong leaders can help increase revenue.


Several other benefits come with promoting strong leaders from within, but I’d be here all day if I listed them out. However, the importance of strong leaders shouldn’t be underestimated, as they can make or break your business.


-Dr. Jennifer Bonde

Why It’s Important to Learn from Failed Strategies in Business

Why It’s Important to Learn from Failed Strategies in Business

Why It’s Important to Learn from Failed Strategies in Business


Failure isn’t an easy thing for most people to accept. While we all fail at things in life, not everyone bounces back from failure the same. Therefore, in order to move your business forward, you must learn from failed strategies. 


What is Failure?


Failure is defined as the inability to meet an expectation or a lack of success. While many read too much into failure, if you take the opportunity to learn from that failure, success is usually right around the corner.


3 Lessons You Should Learn from Failed Business Strategies:


Accept help




Why You Should Accept Help & Take Advice from Others


No matter how long you’ve been in the healthcare business, there is always something new to learn. Seeking guidance from others, asking questions, and having people you trust who can help you when you need it and offer sound advice is crucial to your success. 


While you may know everything about the healthcare aspect of your business, those who have failed in the past have learned that it takes a village. Your village can include an accountant who will help assess your financial state, a lawyer to help with logistics, and a healthcare business coach who can help you work smarter, not harder, and plan your exit strategy.


Plan for Every Outcome, Failure, or Success in Business


Those who have had failed business strategies in the past have spent time reassessing the lessons they can learn. While knowing how everything will play out as you run your wellness business is impossible, most have learned that preparing themselves for best- and worst-case scenarios is crucial to their long-term success.


You must make sure that your business is equipped to handle failure. For example, do you have an emergency fund or a cash reserve? A backup marketing strategy? A way to increase traffic and implement updated strategies when change is needed? As a healthcare business coach, I can help you prepare for the worst, learn how to cut back on business costs when necessary, and ensure you know how to evaluate the profitability of your business


Reassess Your Business Strategies Consistently


Another major lesson learned due to failed strategies was that healthcare business owners should reassess their business strategies on a consistent basis. The healthcare business changes daily, and it is crucial to stay on top of your business strategies and, more importantly, be willing to change them whenever necessary. 


This is also beneficial when things you planned may not have worked as expected. Whether that is scaling back, adding a new revenue stream, or an accidental splurge. By keeping track of everything, you can identify what’s working and what isn’t anymore. There is always room to bounce back.


Every successful wellness business owner has experienced and learned from failure. When someone learns from failure, they develop the mindset that allows them to push forward. Even from a young age, we are pushing ourselves forward. Think of a little kid who learns how to ride a bike, a teenager who learns how to drive, or a boxer getting knocked down in the ring. 


Business is no different; what we choose to learn from our failures will set us apart from the competition. 

-Dr. Jennifer Bonde

How to Build Strong Relationships in the Healthcare Business

How to Build Strong Relationships in the Healthcare Business

How to Build Strong Relationships in the Healthcare Business


Many things matter when you’re a healthcare business owner, including how to generate revenue, employee and patient retention, and your exit strategy. This can take up a lot of your time, and you could miss valuable networking opportunities. Building strong relationships is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself as a healthcare business owner.


Why Does Building Strong Relationships in the Healthcare Business Matter?


Building a strong relationship with new or potential customers, investors, and other business owners allows you to offer a personalized customer experience. Other business owners can teach you things from their personal experiences and offer their expertise. Building relationships with investors can only benefit you in the long run if you want to scale your business. Studies show that improving customers’ experience is a top business priority.


How Can a Healthcare Business Coach Help You Build Your Network?


As a healthcare business coach, I have access to an extensive network of healthcare professionals dedicated to thriving in their field and helping those around them. As a result, I can provide tips for building strong relationships and guide you along the way.


5 Tips for Building Strong Business Relationships:


Offer something

Build trust

Consistently reach out




Focus On What Knowledge You Can Share


When looking to build a strong relationship, whether with a patient or other business owners, focus on what you bring to the table. Your strongest skill, also known as your genius zone, is your most valuable asset. By focusing on your strengths, you can provide top-notch service and create strong relationships.


Build Trust and Credibility


Once you know what value you are offering, it’s time to build trust and credibility. Trust is the glue that holds business relationships together. Business partners, patients, family, and friends benefit from a trustworthy relationship. When all parties trust each other, they spend more time working together for positive outcomes and success than protecting themselves from someone untrustworthy. Trust and credibility will take you far as you continue to create meaningful relationships and build your business. 


Be Proactive and Consistently Check In 


If you’ve spent a lot of time creating strong relationships, it’s imperative to put continued effort in on a consistent basis. Don’t reach out to your contacts only when you need something. Instead, reach out to chat, offer knowledge and insight, and send proactive communication. 


For your patients, small touches, such as reaching out around their birthday, offering new services, and providing consistent updates via email and social media platforms are all great ways of being proactive and keeping your patients top of mind.


Have Open Communication and Transparency


When it comes to your business relationships, being transparent is one of the most important things you can do. By being open and honest when communicating with your stakeholders, employees, and customers about business-related matters, you are providing a clear overview of the company’s direction and offerings, ensuring everyone is aligned.


Take Time to Listen


While you may be a master of your craft, taking the time to listen to other people can benefit you greatly. Gathering feedback from all stakeholders is important for your business to grow and succeed. Many healthcare business owners have updated their roadmap based on valuable feedback they’ve received.


While several things can help build a solid business relationship, these five tips are great starting points for building new relationships that will benefit you greatly.


-Dr. Jennifer Bonde

“High Level” Defined: What it Means and How to Keep Your Business Operating at That Level

“High Level” Defined: What it Means and How to Keep Your Business Operating at That Level

“High Level” Defined: What it Means and How to Keep Your Business Operating at That Level


As a healthcare business owner, staying away from day-to-day operations can be difficult. If you are getting bogged down in everyday tasks, you can’t focus on the big picture of your business, which can hinder your success. So, let’s start by discussing what operating at a high level means, how to get there, and most importantly, how to stay there. 


What is High Level in Business?


High level means you are looking at things from the highest level of your business. When you look at initiatives, goals, processes, and growth from a high level, you aren’t getting bogged down in the details of each thing. High-level decision-makers in a business are generally those involved in decision-making due to ownership, costs, resources, and long-term effectiveness.


How Do You Operate at a High Level?


If you aren’t operating at a high level yet, it can be stressful to get yourself there. However, there are several things you should achieve first. 


3 Ways to Take Your Healthcare Business to the Next Level:


Build your team

Utilize skills



Build a Strong Team


When bringing on employees, it’s crucial to hire a strong team that is aligned with the vision of the business. While it can take a lot of time, hiring quality people who feel encouraged to be innovative and help improve things will bring you and your business to the next level. 


Surround yourself with team members who have different skill sets, are trustworthy, and work well together. As you build out this team, you will become more confident in delegating things, allowing you to begin operating at a high level.


Utilize Your Teams Genius Zone


Each team member will have a unique skillset that highlights their strong assets. That is their genius zone. By focusing on the strongest skills your team members have, you can run your healthcare business seamlessly and efficiently. 


If things are working as expected (or better!), you can continue functioning at a high level and planning your exit strategy. By working smarter, not harder, you will continue to run an efficient wellness business.


Learn How to Prioritize and Stay Focused


It can be easy to get distracted by the day-to-day operations as a healthcare business owner. If you are trying to operate at a high level, it’s crucial to learn how to prioritize the needs of your business.


Prioritizing increases your team’s productivity, allowing you to focus on the big picture and larger-scale initiatives. If your team members can’t see your vision or aren’t sure what to prioritize, they end up wasting valuable time on the clock and are not working towards the overall goal of your business. 


How to Stay High Level


While many factors can help you continue to operate at a high level, there are a few standouts that are crucial. Start by knowing your direct competitors and where you stand in your market and talk to them. Don’t be afraid to learn from them and challenge yourself. 


Next, focus on your personal growth. If your healthcare business is growing, you should be, too. Stay proficient in your skills, but don’t be afraid to learn new ones. By focusing on yourself, you will continue to level up and bring your business along with you.


Finally, hold yourself accountable. Whether writing every challenge, lesson, and goal down in a private place or sharing them with your team, so you are all aligned, accountability is so important for keeping you on track to achieve your business goals.

If you aren’t sure what level you are operating at or need assistance getting yourself to the next level, reach out to me today. As a healthcare business coach, I can ensure you take all the necessary steps to succeed.


-Dr. Jennifer Bonde

5 Goals to Set for Your Healthcare or Wellness Business

5 Goals to Set for Your Healthcare or Wellness Business

5 Goals to Set for Your Healthcare or Wellness Business


When you first start a business, setting your goals is crucial to your success. However, goals aren’t black and white. They can change with the economy, feedback, and even when a new idea comes to mind. While your goals can be whatever you want them to be, I’ve compiled some popular ones that stand out for wellness businesses. 


5 Goals Every Wellness Business Should Have:








Improve Employee & Patient Retention


Employee turnover can cost a company two times the employee’s annual salary. By focusing on employee retention, you can avoid productivity losses, your workers will be more engaged, and there will be a positive company culture. In addition, when you retain your employees, you create a better patient experience. 


Happy employees who have worked at a business for extended periods of time are more experienced and can consistently provide positive interactions for each patient. In addition, patients who feel welcome and taken care of when they visit your practice will not only continue to return for future visits but will also recommend your business to friends, which will bring in new revenue. 


Include Your Employees in the Discussion


Inclusion can be done in several ways. After all, your employees are your MVPs. They are in constant contact with patients, can run your office seamlessly, and manage some of the most important processes to keep your wellness business up and running. So when new goals need to be created, or processes need to be changed, including your employees in the discussion lets them know that you value their input.


Other important inclusion pieces include benefits for your staff, a healthy work-life balance, a sense of belonging, open discussion on large topics such as mental health, creating a safe space for all employees, and addressing conflict.


Create a Better Patient Experience


Even if everything is going well, there is always room for improvement. If you hire me, I can help you gather valuable patient data and align your goals with the feedback you’ve received. By putting time and resources into this, you are also increasing company loyalty.


By focusing on the needs of your patients and taking their feedback seriously, your patients will continue to stay loyal, even when pricing changes can occur. Brand loyalty is crucial for long-term success.


Reduce Your Costs While Increasing Revenue


If you don’t have to spend any more money on employee turnover because you’ve cracked the code for retaining your employees, you are already saving costs. In addition, as your experienced employees continue to increase their productivity and create better patient experiences, you can use that revenue to improve other parts of your business. 


This could be an improved software that makes day-to-day tasks easier, refreshments in a waiting room, or even a new employee. By reducing costs in areas that are going well, you can invest in other areas of improvement, which will increase overall revenue. 


Expand Your Healthcare or Wellness Business


Expanding your business is a great way to increase revenue. Whether you are looking to add new locations or new services, any expansion helps you bring in new profits allowing you to plan your exit strategy. By working smarter, not harder, you are setting yourself up for future success.


If you aren’t sure where to begin, reach out to me. As a healthcare business coach, I can help you plan and achieve your short- and long-term goals, ensure you’re utilizing your team’s genius zone, and help you bring your business to the next level. 

-Dr. Jennifer Bonde